John McAvoy offers 3 cycling fans the chance to train with him ahead of Prudential RideLondon 2020.

Football Beyond Borders patron John McAvoy demonstrates his commitment to young people by offering 3 cycling fans the chance to train with him ahead of Prudential RideLondon 2020.

Being one of the UK's best endurance athletes, Iron Man competitor and Nike Athlete, John was previously sentenced to life in jail at 24 for armed robbery. He discovered a miraculous talent for endurance - subsequently breaking two indoor rowing world records (100,000m and the furthest distance rowed in 24 hrs) - and found redemption through sport. He has also recently released his autobiography "Redemption - From iron bars to Ironman", a fascinating, frightening and inspirational autobiography detailing the key moments that have defined his career.

Now, John is committed to using his story of rehabilitation to help and inspire others to change their lives for the better. He has been a patron of FBB for over a year, and is a powerful advocate for the importance of having relatable role models in a young person's life within properly resourced youth centres. When speaking on his time with FBB, he said:

“Football Beyond Borders is an amazing organisation. They are driven by committed and motivated individuals who are determined to make a real difference. I have seen first-hand the powerful work they are doing to change the lives of young people. They believe in young people and give them the support network and guidance to achieve their potential.”

If you are interested in getting your hands on this unique opportunity, follow the link here. Please note that the delivery of the prize is conditional and that by bidding on this item you are putting yourself forward to take part in the Prudential RideLondon 2020, riding 100 traffic-free miles through London and Surrey on Sunday 16 August 2020. You must also understand that it includes a minimum fundraising commitment of £1000 for Football Beyond Borders.

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